2023 RFK Campaign Raises $41,429 for Charity
2023 RFK Campaign Raises $41,429 for Charity

The IPA's Reach for Kids (RFK) Campaign on January 11, 2024 presented a check for $41,429 to the Kosair for Kids Pediatric NeuroRecovery Fund. RFK for Kids created the fund with Kosair in 2019 to help fill the insurance coverage gap for children with spinal cord trauma who are undergoing therapy at the Center for Pediatric NeuroRecovery in Louisville.
"We could not have made this donation without the support of our pilots who have contributed financially,
donated auction items, and supported our efforts any way they could. When Anthony looks out the window and sees a
UPS jet flying over, I want him to know there are 3200 pilots who want to make life better for boys and girls just like him," said IPA Treasurer Mike Major, an RFK Trustee
Kosair for Kids President and CEO Barry Dunn said one of the most important things they do is making sure kids with traumatic spinal cord
injuries are able afford the care they need. With the help of donations like RFK's, the Kosair for Kids Financial Assistance Program picks up the tab that insurance won't
cover for families from around the world who come to the Center for Pediatric NeuroRecovery.
"It's fair to say this program wouldn't exist if it weren't for these partnerships right here. Together, we are changing a child's life,"" said Dunn.
Typically, the center has 5 to 10 kids, from toddlers to teens, undergoing the intense, 5-day a week program housed at the renowned Frazier Rehab Institute.

Since it was founded in 1998, IPA's Reach for Kids has donated more than $800,000 to local children's charities. Support comes from IPA pilots, staff members, the IPA Foundation, local merchants and our corporate sponsors listed below: