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Indian Summer Camp

For one week a year, childhood cancer patients from across Kentuckiana can put their cares behind them and focus on being kids. 'Indian Summer Camp' is an annual camp for boys and girls aged six to 17 who are either currently receiving cancer treatment or who have already finished treatment. This year's camp was July 14-21 at Camp Cedarmore in Bagdad, KY.

"It's life altering, I really can't put it into words," said IPA Foundation member, Captain Jon Dubins, who served as a counselor at 'Indian Summer Camp.' Dubins says the children who attend the camp are "some of the most awesome people" he knows. "Their outlook on life, their energy and the way they interact with one another is amazing. Everyone accepts and loves one another."

This year, the IPAFoundation added 'Indian Summer Camp' to the dozens of children's organizations it supports. The Foundation's $7,000 donation helped sponsor a cabin for one week for ten children and covered the cost of dinner for one night for the campers and staff. "Donations like the one from the IPA Foundation make the camp happen," said Pam Jennings, President of the Board of Directors of 'Indian Summer Camp.' "With help from the IPA Foundation and others, we were able to have dinners at the camp catered. In some cases, the kids don't feel that great and if the food smells good, looks good, they'll eat. This way we were able to give them very nice dinners."

Although the camp has traditional activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, archery etc., Dubins says it offers much more for the children who attend. "There is such a bond and connection that these children have with each other. Some have artificial limbs and are looked at differently elsewhere. Here, they are treated like everyone else." "People like Jon who volunteer as counselors make a big difference in these kids'lives," said Jennings. "All of our counselors come on their vacations and give up their time to be with these children."

For more information about Indian Summer Camp visit,